Saturday, March 17, 2012

One Playbook One Success

In today's society it's becoming more and more difficult to follow the playbook.  Many people would like to believe that they do not need to follow the playbook to cross the ultimate goal line.

How does one get from Point A to Point B?  I would argue that one has to start with Faith.  Without Faith how do you even get to Point A? Without Faith it is impossible to please God the bible tells us. John 3:16 is the start to that process. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

 We live in a world that is filled with confusion and disappointment.  What is right anymore?  We live in a world where reality shows is reality for many.  We live in a world where "shacking up" is accepted over the unity of marriage.  We live in a world where disrepecting parents is more prevalent than honoring them.  We live in a world where public use of profanity is celebrated above the name of Jesus.  We live in a world where sagging your pants is more cool than wearring them at the waist line.  We live in a world where having premarital sex and teenage sex is admired more than being a virgin.  We live in a world where children being born out of wedlock is a norm.  We live in a world of political correctness instead of Godly righteousness, I would suggest that we would be better off living in a world of "In God We Trust!"

I like to think that at forty-one years old I'm still fairly young.  In saying that, I'm still taken aback by how dilluted and polluted our world has become over the past two decades.  I believe it has much to do with society's turn from following "The Playbook" and turning to following the world.  We have taken prayer out of the school and replaced it with drugs and guns.  How is that working out for us?

Perhaps by now you have surmised what the "Playbook" is, if you haven't, it is the in errant Word of God, the Bible.  Jesus clearly tells us that the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy but that He came that we might have life and life more abundantly.  The bible also tells us in Proverbs that "There is a way that seems right to man but in the end that way leads to death".  Think about that!  Two things comes to mind, one that if we will follow God's word we will flow in peace and success and cross the ultimate goal line of eternal life. The second is that we have our own mind and we can choose to follow our own playbook or the world's and cross the goal line of destruction.

I have always found the parallels in the days of the bible and today interesting.  Destruction clearly transpired in the bible days with God being displeased in what He was seeing.  I also like the individuals that choose to take part of the bible to be true.  For instance, I hear people talking about Heaven quite often whether on television or in various circles but  the only time I hear about Hell is in church or when someone is cussing.  Chew on that for a moment.  So part of the playbook of life is okay to believe?  I leave you with this... Should bad behavior be rewarded?  Does an athlete play for the Dallas Cowboys and receive a paycheck from the Washington Redskins? Does an employee of IBM follow the employee handbook of Merrill Lynch and continue to have success at IBM? 

When is the last time you read God's playbook?

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