Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Only You Can Stop You

I get to meet people through my job who, at some point in their life, took a detour from education and at a later stage in life, realized they needed education in order to improve themselves or become self-sufficient.  I had the pleasure, over the last week, of meeting a woman named Michelle and her husband, James.

Her story is very powerful and it is shared below, as written by her.  She was just accepted to Platt College here in Dallas and received a scholarship.  It is with intent that her story may bless others to work towards achieving their goals, regardless of decisions which may have been made earlier in life.

I have chosen to study Medical Assisting/Phlebotomy and believe I will be successful in this path.  I recently obtained my GED and want to further my education.  The Medical Assisting/Phlebotomy career adds to my love of helping people.  This will also allow my children to see that you can become and do anything you set your mind to, at any age.

As a parent, education is very important to me although as I child, I was not allowed to finish school.  By my father's insistence, I quit school in order to help my family.  As an adult I helped my children as much as I could with their studies as they progressed through school.  Now, as my youngest child has grown older, I obtained my GED and thus, have fulfilled my dream of finally finishing high school.

The Medical Assisting/Phlebotomy career allows me to continue to help people.  In previous jobs I have held, I enjoyed assisting people by explaining, working with and helping them work towards a solution.  Working as a Medical Assistant/Phlebotomist will help me in a personal manner by allowing me to care for my children as well as for my husband who was diagnosed in 2008 with cancer.  Helping to deal with appointments, scheduling and dealing with medicine are all aspects of the Medical Assisting/Phlebotomy job.

I was not allowed to finish school but I promised myself that I would get my GED and a college education when I could.  Several years after my youngest became older and self-sufficient, I knew it was my chance for me to fulfill my dream of obtaining a GED and college education.  I want my children to learn from me; No matter your circumstances or age, an education can always be obtained.  As a Medical Assistant/Phlebotomist I will be able to financially help my children's dream of a college education become reality by sending them to college and helping them work towards their career goals.  With my spouse having been diagnosed with cancer, I know that with a Medical Assistant/Phlebotomy career I can take care of myself and my children if need be.

I chose to pursue a career as a Medical Assistant/Phlebotomist to continue my education.  Choosing this career path allows me to continue my love of helping people.  Pursuing a career in Medical Assisting/Phlebotomy will also allow me to be an example to my children to pursue a higher education and fulfill their dreams.

Michelle Wise
You are welcome to respond to this message by emailing Michelle directly at micaylawise@yahoo.com. 

Don't make excuses.  Make things happen -

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Uniform

I believe we win or lose with the uniform we put on each day.  The uniform we wear is critical to how we inspire others through our walk with God.  We should represent the goodness of God.

God wants his people to be the light to the world.  We cannot be defeated, disappointed, or discouraged as men and women of God.  Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly.  Our motivation to live for God should not be out of fear of going Hell.  It should be because of the peaceful and prosperous life Jesus shed his blood for us to have.  Jesus already paid the price for us to live in health, prosperity, salvation and love. We are winners and we should exude that attitude at all times.

We should be the spark in our workplace and family.  Consistency is the key.  We must stay the course and be obedient to God's word.  God already wrote the plan for our life.  He knows our destiny and purpose.  Once we embrace our purpose and understand the plan God has for us, we will succeed.  However, we have to work the plan God has laid out for us in His word.

In football a team has four downs to get a first down. There is no limit to how many first downs a team can earn.  However, a team can be its' biggest obstacle in getting first downs and winning the game.  I believe the same goes for Christians.  We can be our own enemy.  We can stop our success by gossip, slander, unforgiveness, not giving, etc.

God has laid the plan out for us but we will not be obedient to His word.  Then we wonder why we are in the same situation we were 10 or 20 years ago.  We have to make up our minds that something has to change.  Some of us are afraid of hell and we have been living in hell on earth.  God does not want us to barely get by.  We do not serve a God of barely getting by.  God wants the world to see his glory here on earth manifested through his people.

What uniform do you have on?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The mouthpiece

The Word says there is life and death in what we speak.  In sports we wear a mouthpiece for protection. An athlete is not allowed to enter the contest without a mouthpiece.  The mouthpiece is issued by the coach for that very reason; protection.

Our mouthpiece in Christ is the Word of God.  It is our protection.  How often do you speak the Word of God each day?  The Word of God is our shield from the enemy and also from ourselves.  We should speak life over our loved ones, brothers and sisters in Christ, and the sinner.  If we are not the one speaking life than who is?

So many times we allow ourselves to be influenced instead of influencing others.  Take note of the number of times in a day you are speaking the Word of God.  In other words, which mouthpiece are you wearing - the one of life or the one of death?  Make no mistake about it, you cannot wear both and get the blessings God has stored up for you.

The first step in getting your mouthpiece in, first thing in the morning, should be the Word of God.  That will equip you for a winning start to your day!  If you pay attention to what some people say, you will find that they are defeated by the mouthpiece.  They will say they are blessed and five minutes later complain about what they do not have. God said he will supply our every need. Others will say they are blessed and then start gossiping.  God said love your neighbor as you love yourself. Some will say they are blessed but then start poor mouthing others.  Which one is it?  We are either blessed or we are not.  There is no in between.

I do not know about you but I want to be around people who have a mouthpiece that speaks life at all times.  We are not only responsible for the mouthpiece we are wearring, we are also responsible for the mouthpiece of our household.   I serve a God who is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Author and the Finisher of my Faith; the Great I Am!

Do you need a new mouthpiece?  It does not matter what we have or what we do not have we should always speak as we have it all because Our Father has it all.  If we could do it ourselves we would not need God.

Get your mouthpiece right!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Ticket

Make sure you have a valid ticket!  I recall an individual going to a game and getting to the gate only to find out he needed a ticket to get in.  I am sure it was announced that individuals will not be admitted without a ticket, that is why it is important to pay attention.  I find it interesting that individuals go about their day to day business not paying attention to what is said.

As Christians, we need to pay attention to what God is saying to us.  He is telling us each day what we need to do to get what He has for us.  Salvation is the ticket God gave us to have the opportunity to receive many more tickets in order to receive all the blessings He has for us.

Now, we can be satisfied with just the ticket of salvation to get into the kingdom of Heaven and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  However, God has so much more he wants to give us right here on earth but I believe we have to be willing to listen and understand His word to get it.  This does not happen by standing on the sidelines all week and getting in the game on Sundays.  We have to be willing to follow God's plan for our lives.  God wants us to have an abundance of success in our marriage, business, and finances because He wants the world to see His glory right here on earth through His people.

Do not let your tickets go unclaimed!  If a person had a $1 billion lottery ticket would he/she not cash it?  That is what I believe we are doing when we just go day by day being happy with the one ticket of salvation.  God has more for us right here on earth.  Eternal life is our Heavenly reward.  God has earthly rewards for us as well.  We have to seek God and discover them.  God has a financial ticket with no limit for each of us!

Wouldn't it be sad, if when you got to heaven, God mentioned all of your unclaimed tickets you had not redeemed?

Find your tickets!