Saturday, March 17, 2012

Who's Your Teammate?

Where I grew up, in Los Angeles (Watts), the population was predominantly black.  I was not exposed to diversity early on.  Then my mother moved the family back to her hometown of Palatka, Fl.  Palatka was made up of blacks and whites primarily at that time.  I can remember my first experience in school hearing and feeling the racism in elementary school.  This was expressed from both sides.  Coming from L.A., even though I grew up in a black area (Watts), I was not exposed to racism.  I did not know the difference because my mom did not teach us any different.  However, I was receiving a crash course in racism.

I discovered quickly in Palatka that black kids associated with black kids only and the same was true with whites.  It seemed to get better when I reached middle school and high school through sports.  However, there were white kids who would visit with me in school but if I ran into them in the store or mall with their parents, they would act as if they did not know me.  This perplexed me.  Eventually I did have white friends I would visit the homes of and vica versa.  We are still friends to this day.  Again, my mother did not teach us any different.  Today not much has changed at my high school. If you were to walk in my high school during lunch you would see a segregated lunch hour.

I soon learned just how segregated and full of hatred the town was.  I discovered that racism existed from both sides, however it did not come from the kids but from the parents.  People are not born racist they are taught to be racist.  Most people will not admit this but there are racist people in all races and ethnic groups. 

I had an eye-opening experience over the Fourth of July weekend 2011.  My wife's cousin's boyfriend, stay with me, suggested to me that religion is like racism.  After I pondered the thought for a minute, I had to agree with him.  Sundays in America are one of the most segregated days.  Religion and racism is of man.  Relationship and diversity is of God.  If you want to have a relationship with a man worship religion if you want to have a relationship with God worship Him.  In other words identify yourself with God not a denomination.  People throw out their religion party as more than they throw out their political party. 

Let's talk about God's team.  I was recently reminded of a quote from Martin Luther King's famous "I Have A Dream" speech.  He spoke about people of all colors being able to share and interact together in harmony.  I believe diversity is one of the greatest gifts God has given us.  It allows us an opportunity to grow as people and see the true power of God's love.  It is the great test of loving our neighbor as we love ourselves.  I am convinced that should be more evident in our churches and our lives. 

An athletic team wants to win and they find the best people to help them win, not based on color.  I believe there is a lot of value in the phrase, "Together we stand, divided we fall."  I believe our churches should represent this more than the club or bar.  Clubs and bars are more integrated than the church and this must first start at home with our youth.  I can remember a lesson discussed in one of my college courses (social work), when my professor presented a statement for the class to ponder, "I would not mind them being my neighbor but I would not want my son or daughter marrying one."  This tends to be the sentiment of many people, whether in or out the church.

I am not promoting interracial marriage but what I am promoting is loving our neighbor as we love ourselves, regardless of their skin color.  My wife is hispanic but she has a lighter skin tone.  It is funny because there were times over the years and even now from time to time that we get those looks.  You know what looks I am talking about.
I believe we can change our communities by changing the color of Sundays because genuine love should start from God's people.  We should not have to wait until a catastrophe happens for us to show God's love.  Our youth should know that God loves everyone and he commands us to love everyone.  Racism is not a trait of God nor is it in the DNA of God.  Do you need a DNA test?

The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."  If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you wil be destroyed by each other. Galations 5:14-15 NIV

Who is your neighbor?

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